Terms and Conditions of Use



WORLD TRADE POINT FEDERATION is an initiative of the United Nations that promotes access to new information and e-commerce technologies for small and medium-sized enterprises and that through the website https://etradeid.world, and where applicable, mobile applications and other interactive properties, owned and operated by WORLD TRADE POINT FEDERATION (together, the 'Website'), offers you a compliance certificate in accordance with the following Terms of Use, the E-Trade ID or 'Certification', under the name .

Access to the Website grants you the status of 'User', understanding as User anyone who uses the Website to obtain information about the organization and the E-Trade ID Certification, which combines the Electronic Credentials Program of and WISeID technology to offer a comprehensive solution to these challenges that allows to generate a climate of trust between the parties interacting in a digital environment.

A 'Partner' shall be understood as a person who registers in our partner registry to contract the E-Trade ID Certification.

1.1 Get to Know Us

1.2 Acceptance of the Terms of Use

We recommend that you carefully read these Terms of Use before becoming a partner or contracting the E-Trade ID Certification. The use of the Website and the contracting of a Certification by any User implies the full acceptance of these Terms of Use, the Privacy and Cookies Policy and the Legal Notice, which are available at the bottom of the Website.

If you have any questions regarding the Terms of Use, the Privacy and Cookies Policy, or the Legal Notice, you can contact us through our usual contact channels, and if you do not agree with them, we ask you to leave this page and not contract any Certification. If you associate or contract a Certification on behalf of a company, you must know that it will be bound by the same.


2.1 Access to the Website

The Website is freely and openly accessible, however, contracting a Certification may require you to fill in certain information on the Website beforehand. Additionally, some sections of it may require you to fill out a form or make a payment beforehand, as explained below.

As a User, you agree to use the Website, its contents, and its services in accordance with these Terms of Use, the applicable legislation, public order, and good customs, and not to use it in a way aimed at damaging, disabling, and/or overloading the Website, or that may prevent, in any way, its normal use and operation.

At , we make a continuous effort to keep the Website in good working order, keeping the content updated. However, at , we cannot guarantee the complete availability and continuity of access to the Website, or the updating of its content.

2.2 Information Submission

The Website is freely and openly accessible, however, to become a Partner or contract a Certification, we may request that you provide certain data or other information to process it. By continuing with the information submission, you agree to:

If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information does not meet the above criteria, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your Certification. The processing of personal data that you provide us through the registration form will be governed by our Privacy and Cookies Policy.

2.3 Website Usage Limitations

By using the Website, you agree not to:

If you do not comply with the provisions of these Terms of Use or any other conditions set forth on this Website, we reserve the right to limit, suspend, and/or terminate your access to it, being able to take any necessary measures for this purpose.


You can contract an E-Trade ID Certification through the Website, for which it is necessary to accept these Terms of Use and the Privacy and Cookies Policy.

3.1 Online Contracting Procedure

To contract a Certification, you must follow the online contracting procedure and confirm your purchase to complete it. After this, you will receive an email confirming that we have correctly received the Certification contracting along with all the corresponding information.

If you do not receive the payment confirmation, check that the payment has been made correctly in your bank account. If the payment is confirmed, check your spam or junk mail folder. It should be there. In any other case, do not hesitate to contact us at the email address privacy@etradeid.world.

All personal data or information that you provide us to contract a Certification will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Cookies Policy.

This online contracting option allows for the creation of a secure profile for Users by creating a digital identity. The entire KYC process is very secure, allowing for remote User registration. The online KYC procedure offers other additional functionalities and benefits:

3.2 Certification Features

When contracting the Certification, you will have access to:

3.3 Certificate Benefits

The E-Trade ID for companies allows validating the data and credentials of a company, offering greater credibility of the company's information in the digital environment, and includes:

The WISE ID from FMPT for individuals allows validating the digital identity of individuals, and entails the following advantages:

3.4 Partner Obligations

The Partner must bear the costs of adapting to the technical requirements necessary for the use and adaptation of the Certification systems.

The certified Partner must comply with the applicable legislation, these Terms of Use, and may not make available, offer, or otherwise distribute through its website goods, services, or content that are defamatory, offensive, racist, pornographic, or otherwise unlawful or illegal.

The Partner must ensure that the technical requirements necessary for the use of the online systems provided by the are met, in particular by preparing its own systems for the use of the services.

The Partner is obliged to protect its access credentials (username and password) against unauthorized use by third parties and keep them confidential. The Partner must immediately inform if they have reasonable suspicions that their access credentials have been misused.

During the validity of the Certification, the Partner must respond to all queries from and information requests within a maximum period of five (10) days.

The Partner must appoint at least one contact person, and provide their contact details, to whom may address all queries related to the Partner's adherence to the WTPF.

The Partner grants and its affiliated organizations the non-exclusive and free right to use the Partner's company logo during the validity of the Certification for their own advertising and marketing purposes on the websites, in social media presence, and in the newsletter to promote the Certifications.


4.1 Amounts

The amount of the membership fee for Certification will vary according to the services included in the package contracted with . The prices published on the Website will apply.

4.2 Payment and Invoicing

The membership fee must be paid in advance in the first Certification period and must be renewed promptly. has the right to terminate the Certificate if the adherent is at least 30 days late in the fee payment.

If the Partner contracts additional paid services during the contractual period, the membership fee will be increased by the amount related to the contracted service until the end of the contractual period. From the following contract period, the amount of the additional provision becomes part of the membership fee for the Certification.

reserves the right not to provide the agreed services if the Partner is 30 days late in the payment of the agreed amounts despite reminders.

The Partner agrees to receive all invoices by email. Consent can be revoked in writing at any time.

In case of any improper or fraudulent charges on the card used for the Certification payment ****, please notify us as soon as possible through the usual contact means so that we can take appropriate action.

4.3 Payment Methods

To register as a Partner or to contract a Certification, you must provide a payment method. The Website may redirect to third-party platforms for you to formalize the payment by credit card or another available payment method.

Payment method providers or issuers may adopt anti-fraud measures that may result in the rejection of certain types of operations over which we have no control, so WORLD TRADE POINT FEDERATION is not responsible for the application of such security policies.

4.4 Updating Your Payment Methods

You can modify your payment methods through your account or by contacting us through the email . After each update, you authorize us to continue charging you through the relevant payment method or methods.


For any questions, suggestions, inquiries, or complaints about the Website or a Certification, you can contact us through any of the following means: * Email: privacy@etradeid.world * Postal address at the following address: - * Schedule: -

We will assist you and provide a response as soon as possible and in any case within a maximum period of one month.


6.1 Information: The content of the Website is of a general nature and is for informational purposes without guaranteeing its completeness, correctness, validity, or usefulness for a specific purpose. We make every effort to accurately display and describe the features of each Certification on the Website; however, we are not responsible for the incomplete satisfaction of the expectations that Partners may have regarding the effect of the Certificates.

6.2 Third-party content and services linked: We provide you with such links, information, and/or services solely for your convenience. It is your responsibility to read and accept the terms of use and privacy policies published on such linked websites or applications.

Under no circumstances does the existence of linked sites, integrations, the presence of plugins, or search mechanisms imply a recommendation or endorsement of the linked sites or their content by WORLD TRADE POINT FEDERATION. Therefore, we are not responsible for the content, statements, or services provided by third-party websites.

In any case, we will proceed to immediately remove any link when the content to which it redirects may contravene national or international legislation, morality, or public order. Therefore, if you believe there is a linked website with illegal or inappropriate content, please inform us so that we can take appropriate action.

6.3 Website availability: We have taken, and will continue to take, all necessary measures, within our means and the state of technology, to ensure the proper functioning of the Website and to prevent the presence of harmful components. However, we will not be liable for any damages that may be caused to you or third parties due to the inability to access the Website, as well as the presence of viruses, worms, or other harmful elements.


7.1 Intellectual and/or industrial property

The design of https://etradeid.world as well as the databases, software (including the source code), the various elements that make up the website (texts, graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, color combinations, etc.), as well as the distinctive signs (logos, trademarks, and trade names) appearing on it are owned by WORLD TRADE POINT FEDERATION or the license holders and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

In no case does the use of the Website or the payment for a Certification imply the transfer of any intellectual and/or industrial property rights over it or its contents.

7.2 Force majeure

The performance by WORLD TRADE POINT FEDERATION of all or part of its obligations will be suspended in the event of the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure that prevents or delays compliance. The following events will be considered as such, in particular, without limitation: war, riots, insurrection, social unrest, strikes of any kind, and supply problems not attributable to it.

In the event of a fortuitous event or force majeure, we will inform you within 10 days of its occurrence. If such suspension extends beyond a period of 30 days, you will have the option to request a refund for the Certification.

7.3 Independence and integrity of clauses

The illegality, invalidity, or ineffectiveness of any of the clauses that make up these Terms of Use will not affect the effectiveness of the rest, as long as the rights and obligations are not affected in an essential way. Such clauses must be replaced or integrated with others that, being in accordance with the law, serve the purpose of those replaced.

7.4 Amendment of the Terms of Use

The date of the last update of the Terms of Use appears in the header of this page. We may revise and update these Terms of Use at any time and will notify you through the usual channels, but they will not take effect regarding material elements until 14 days after publication.

7.4 Independence and integrity of clauses

The illegality, invalidity, or ineffectiveness of any of the clauses that make up these Terms of Use will not affect the effectiveness of the rest, as long as the rights and obligations are not affected in an essential way. Such clauses must be replaced or integrated with others that, being in accordance with the law, serve the purpose of those replaced.

7.5 Applicable law and jurisdiction

Access to and use of https://etradeid.world will be governed by the legislation of Switzerland. Any dispute or controversy between the user and WORLD TRADE POINT FEDERATION will be resolved by the courts of the city of Geneva (Switzerland) with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.