Privacy and Cookies Policy

General Information

This Privacy and Cookies Policy is applicable to all personal data that you, as a user, (understood as any individual accessing the website) provide to The Balko when you access, hereinafter the "Website".

The purpose of this Privacy and Cookies Policy is to provide you with information about the use we make of the personal data of users, as well as to inform you about the rights granted to you in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Organic Law on Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee.

Who is responsible?

The data controller for the personal data collected through the Website is The Balko, with Tax ID number 47808650E and registered address at Carrer Muntaner Barcelona, Barcelona 08036.

Why do we ask for your data?

Purpose Description Data
Manage the registration on the website To register a user, sign him/her up, identify him/her and give him/her access to the corresponding functionalities available on the website. Phone number, Name and/or surname, Email address, Postal address, Password.
For marketing purposes To carry out promotional actions of our products or services, according to the consent expressed by the user and the information provided at the time of collection of the same. To personalize the services we offer you and to be able to make recommendations based on your interaction with us on the web and the analysis of your user profile (for example, based on your purchase and browsing history). To show you online advertising that you may see when you browse websites and apps, for example, on social networks. The advertising you see may be displayed randomly, but at other times it is advertising that may be related to your purchase history, preferences and browsing history. Phone number, Name and/or surname, Email address, Postal address.
To get in touch with the user Handling enquiries made through the contact form, complaint form or other customer service channels. Phone number, Name and/or surname, Email address, Postal address, Password, Debit/credit card numbers.

Our legal basis for processing personal data is as follows:

How long will we retain your data?

The personal data we collect through the Website will be processed and retained for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected.

Specifically, data collected for the development and execution of a contract with you will be retained for as long as the contractual relationship is in effect. However, personal data collected based on legitimate interest or with your consent will only be retained for the time necessary to fulfill that purpose.

After the strictly necessary period for the purposes described above has elapsed, we will retain personal data for an additional period, until all actions arising from our liability resulting from each of the processing activities have expired.

Do we share your data with third parties?

In order to fulfill the purposes described above, it is necessary to grant access to your personal data to other service providers, who will act as data processors, such as:

We have entered into an agreement with the companies acting as data processors to regulate the management and processing of users' personal data, as well as the implementation of security measures.

In cases where we need to transfer data to third parties with headquarters or servers outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, or Liechtenstein), and the European Commission has not issued an Adequacy Decision for that country, or we do not have Binding Corporate Rules, we will comply with the provisions set by the European Commission for these cases to provide you with adequate guarantees, either by signing the standard contractual clauses or by obtaining your informed consent.

If you want more information about the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA, you can contact us via the following email address:

You should be aware that the United States has not received an adequacy decision regarding European data protection regulations. Therefore, when these companies are based or have servers in the United States, the standards for protecting your personal data may not be the same as those provided for in European regulations. In this regard, by continuing to use the services or the Website, you consent to the processing of this personal data in the United States.

What are your rights?

You can exercise the following rights at any time and free of charge:

You can exercise these rights by sending an email to, indicating the right you wish to exercise, accompanied by a document proving your identity or by using the following forms:

If we do not properly respect these rights as the data controller, please note that you can file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, at C/Jorge Juan, 6, 28001- Madrid or at the email address

Confidentiality and Security Measures

The Balko, as the data controller, we undertake to respect the confidentiality of users' personal data and to use it in accordance with the purposes for which it was collected. We have implemented all appropriate technical and organizational security measures according to the nature of the data being processed and as required by data protection regulations.


A cookie is a small text file that websites install on the computer or mobile device of users who visit them. Cookies are generally used to make web pages work, or work more efficiently, as well as to gather information about their usage.

Cookies can be classified as follows:

What cookies do we use?

The following table explains the cookies we use and their purposes:

Name Function Owner Domain Duration
_ga_3SBBJ25GV6 Analysis or measurement Google 729d
_ga Analysis or measurement Google 729d
swym-swymRegid Strictly Necessary Swym 364d
swym-email Strictly Necessary Swym 364d
swym-cu_ct Behavioural advertising Adform 364d
swym-instrumentMap Strictly Necessary Swym 364d
_shopify_y Analysis or measurement 364d
_tracking_consent Strictly Necessary Google 364d
localization Strictly Necessary 364d
swym-pid Behavioural advertising 364d
secure_customer_sig Strictly Necessary 364d
_landing_page Strictly Necessary Polylang 13d
_orig_referrer Behavioural advertising Constant Contact 13d
cart_currency Strictly Necessary 13d
_cmp_a Strictly Necessary 23h
shopify_pay_redirect Analysis or measurement 59m
swym-session-id Strictly Necessary 29m
swym-v-ckd Strictly Necessary Swym 29m
_shopify_s Analysis or measurement 29m
_shopify_sa_t Analysis or measurement 29m
_shopify_sa_p Analysis or measurement 29m
keep_alive Strictly Necessary 29m
_pay_session Strictly Necessary session
__verify None session
_shopify_s Analysis or measurement com session
wpm-domain-test Behavioural advertising Lotame session
wpm-domain-test Behavioural advertising Lotame com session
swym-o_s Strictly Necessary Swym 29m
ecomsend_modal_limit91895 Strictly Necessary Shopify 23h
request_method Strictly Necessary session
LD_T Strictly Necessary Salesforce 36499d
LD_U None 36499d
LD_R None 36499d
LD_S Behavioural advertising Facebook 4m
request_method None session
refb None 3651d
BS_UNIQUE_USER_ID Behavioural advertising PowerLinks 14d
isMultiChannel None 59m
ssid Behavioural advertising Google session
wpm-test-cookie Strictly Necessary Wordpress session
wpm-test-cookie Strictly Necessary Wordpress com session

Delete cookies

Most web browsers allow some control over most cookies through the browser settings. You can configure cookies in the most common browsers by following their instructions:

For information related to other browsers, you can visit the corresponding browser's website.

This Privacy and Cookie Policy was last updated on 02/05/2024, The Balko reserves the right to update and modify certain aspects of it to adapt to legislative and jurisprudential developments, so we recommend reviewing it periodically.