Your website, always legal

Install the custom cookie acceptance plugin for your website and automate from one place the update of all legal documents.

Your website, always legal

Works with all of your favorite platforms

Shopify logo' %}
Wix logo' %}
Squarespace logo
Prestashop logo
LogiCommerce logo
Wordpress logo
Woocommerce logo
Drupal logo
Joomla logo
Magento logo
Webflow logo
Weebly logo
Blogger logo
Shopify logo' %}
Wix logo' %}
Squarespace logo
Prestashop logo
LogiCommerce logo
Wordpress logo
Woocommerce logo
Drupal logo
Joomla logo
Magento logo
Webflow logo
Weebly logo
Blogger logo

Focus on your business

We'll take care of legal matters

Print mark
Cookies solution

We scan your website to know which cookies it is using, and we offer you a completely customizable Cookie Banner

Separator logo
  • Custom cookie banner
  • Weekly / daily scan
  • Always updated
  • Compatible with all kinds of websites
  • IAB TCF v2.2
  • Google Consent Mode v2
Documents logo
Legal documents

You will get all the legal documents that your website needs periodically checked and updated by our specialized lawyers

Separator logo
  • Legal notice
  • Privacy and cookies policy
  • Terms of use
  • Purchase conditions
Active installations
Blocked cookies
Hosted documents

Forget about legal matters forever

Without generic templates

Only you can precisely describe your web and your business. Each document we generate is unique and adapted to your needs, based on the information you give us.

Save thousands of euros in fines

If you're the owner of a website (be it corporative or an online shop), if it doesn't comply with the applicable regulations, you can be fined with up to a 4% of your annual income.

Automatic updates

Our lawyers periodically review the texts and documents of your website to keep them updated after any change in regulations or on your site.

Protect yourself and your business

Failure to comply with laws and regulations can expose you and your company to legal responsibility. Lawwwing helps you keep all of your policies updated to the latest legal requirements.

Cloud hosting for documents

We host all the legal documents on our servers to guarantee they're always available and up to date.

Customizable to your site's style

Our solution can be adapted to your website's corporate image, so the integration is as transparent as possible.

They speak about us

Via Empresa
La Vanguardia
El español
Law & Trends

Why do our clients choose us?

The most complete option in the market

Solución integral
Integral solution
Logo separador
  • Privacy and cookies policy
  • Legal notice
  • Terms of use and Conditions of purchase
  • Cookie banner
Easy to install
Logo separador
  • For all kinds of websites
  • For the non-techies
  • No need for legal knowledge
  • Integrated with your favorite platforms
Fácil instalación
Expertos legales
Legal experts
Logo separador
  • Created and updated by specialized lawyers
  • We always keep your website updated
  • Don't worry about changes in digital regulations

What do our customers say about us?

Hundreds of customers already use Lawwwing on their sites

Jordi Capitán

Jordi Capitán

Gestor técnico en

"La instalación ha sido super fácil e intuitiva. És muy útil para personalizar el banner y el footer con los textos. Además me encanta no tener que preocuparme de copiar y pegar los textos legales en la web, porque se han integrado automáticamente! Lo recomiendo muchísimo."

Alejandro moreno

Alejandro Moreno

Managing Partner en

"Super buena atención al cliente. Me han respondido a todas las dudas rápidamente. Un acierto!"

Carla Sanz

Carla Sanz

Owner at

"He probado Lawwwing y estoy impresionada con la plataforma. He utilizado el plugin de WordPress para instalar el banner de cookies y el footer con los textos legales en mi web, y estoy realmente contenta con lo fácil e intuitivo que ha sido el proceso."

Silvia Romero

Silvia Romero

CEO & Co-Founder

"Apostamos por Lawwwing para tener cubierta toda la parte de textos legales de nuestra web. Como startup, valoramos mucho la facilidad con la que lo pusimos en marcha y el poder despreocuparnos para centrarnos en lo que aporta valor de nuestro proyecto. ¡Solución todo en uno!"

Alejandra Pont

Alejandra Pont

Co-Founder at

"En Miistico contratamos el servicio de Lawwwing hace varios meses y ¡no podemos estar más contentas! Lawwwing nos ha solucionado un tema que nos daba muchos dolores de cabeza: las cookies y textos legales de nuestra web. Desde que lo contratamos estamos muy tranquilas ya que lo van actualizando según la normativa. Además es muy fácil de implementar en tu web y su servicio es fantástico."

These are some companies that already trust Lawwwing

Plans that adapt to your business

No need for a long-term contract, and with online support.

Annual -25%

Ideal for informative websites and blogs without online purchases


/year (+VAT)


/month (+VAT)

Cookie banner

Legal notice

Privacy and cookies policy

Terms and Conditions

Consent clauses

Spanish / English

Custom design

Weekly scan

Basic support

Consent metrics

IAB TCF v2.2

Google Consent Mode v2


Designed for online shops and websites that sell products or services


/year (+VAT)


/month (+VAT)

Cookie banner

Legal notice

Privacy and cookies policy

Terms and Conditions

Consent clauses

Spanish / English

Custom design

Weekly scan

Basic support

Consent metrics

IAB TCF v2.2

Google Consent Mode v2

Best rated

For those that need a more advanded level of services and support


/year (+VAT)


/month (+VAT)

Cookie banner

Legal notice

Privacy and cookies policy

Terms and Conditions

Consent clauses

Multiple languages

Custom design

Daily scan

Personalized support

Consent metrics

IAB TCF v2.2

Google Consent Mode v2


A personalized plan tailored to the specific needs of your business



  • Custom case study
  • Web audit
  • Privacy audit
  • Contracts
  • Legal support
  • Trademark registration
No permanence clauses

No permanence clauses

With the help of a support team

Created and updated by specialized lawyers

Secure online payment

Secure online payment

How can we help you?

If you have any doubts or questions, our specialist will help you any time you need. Write to us through our form or via Whatsapp

Contact us Whatsapp Whatsapp