At Lawwwing, we register your trademark quickly and securely, ensuring your exclusive rights and protecting its commercial value. Our platform guides you through each step with the support of experts in Industrial Property, so you can focus on your business.
Our team of Industrial Property specialists reviews each application to ensure it meets all legal requirements, preventing rejections or objections.
From our control panel, you can start your trademark registration quickly with a simple form, having all the information you need at your fingertips.
We don't just offer trademark registration, but also provide advisory services to help you make informed decisions at every step of the process. We give you all the support you need to protect your trademark now and in the future.
Sign up for Lawwwing and access the "Trademark Registration" section in our dashboard.
Complete the online registration forms; it's quick and without obligation.
Our team will review your information and assess the viability of your application.
Once the viability is approved, you just need to confirm that everything is correct and make the payment.
All set! You will receive all the official documents confirming your trademark registration.
Registering your trademark is essential to protect your business's identity and ensure its exclusivity in the market. By registering your trademark:
Lawwwing offers you the opportunity to register your trademark in Spain, the European Union, or internationally, according to your business needs. Here are some of the main territories where you can protect your trademark
For businesses intended to operate only within the national territory, or a registration to start your activity and scale up.
A single registration that covers all 27 EU countries, simplifying the process and increasing protection at the European level.
Access protection in over 100 countries, allowing you to expand your business globally with a single application.
In this section, we answer the most common questions about cookie policies and how to ensure that your website complies with current regulations.
Lawwwing can be installed on any website, either by directly copying our widget to your website or by using one of our plugins for website building platforms. If you have any questions, please contact us.